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#Project Management Professional, PMI, 2013/12/13
#Project Management Professional, PMI, 2013/12/13

於 2013年12月17日 (二) 14:27 的修訂


  • 弘光科技大學 資訊管理系 助理教授,97/2~至今
  • 弘光科技大學 資訊管理系 講師,88/8~97/1
  • 親民工商專校 電機科 講師,87/9~88/7
  • 台灣國際標準電子公司 大型電腦技術員,81/8~84/2


  • 國立雲林工專電機工程科 74/9~79/6
  • 國立成功大學 工程科學系(計算機組) 碩士 85/9~87/6 (指導教授:侯廷偉,以同等學歷直升攻讀研究所)
  • 國立成功大學 工程科學系(計算機組) 工學博士 88/9~96/12 (指導教授:侯廷偉)


  • 美國愛荷華州立大學(ISU)電機工程學系訪問學者,96/7~96/9, 97/7~97/8


  • 虛擬機器環境/Java執行環境
  • 作業系統/分散式作業系統
  • 軟體工程/物件導向軟體技術
  • 醫療/照護資訊系統
  • 國際證照輔導(昇陽Java, 微軟MCTS, etc.)


  • 中華民國專利證書I408606號-利用RFID的初次會面確認系統,2013/09/11,證書


  • 九十五學年度 中華民國私立教育事業協會 模範教師, 2006/9/25


  • 林巧盈、蔣先國、龍冠霖,題目:視覺障礙者悅趣式無障礙學習系統,教育部國民及學前教育署「一O二年度建構以學習障礙/情緒障礙領域為主之特殊教育診斷、教學暨學習支援網站工作計畫」有愛無礙網站教材設計/多媒體教材設計/APP教材設計比賽活動計畫,多媒體教材設計組第三名,2013/11/23。
  • 柳世祐、王曉涵、林伯儒、張坤琪,題目:「行動點滴監控管理系統」,行動終端應用軟體創作專題競賽,主辦單位:教育部資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫--動終端應用資源中心,2013/06/06 獎狀
  • 指導學生李宗緯專題「RFID監測點滴流速及其應用系統」參加教育部2012全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽獲第二名 獎狀


  • 劉康業、許家興、蔡明諺、王一洲, 「以位置為基礎之計程車派遣系統」, 101學年度管理學院專題論文競賽 第1名 感謝狀
  • 李宗緯,「RFID監測點滴流速及其應用系統」, 100學年度管理學院專題論文競賽 第1名
  • 林俊諺、謝涵如、劉青璇 99學年度銀髮族健康管理專題製作競賽 佳作
  • 周姿萱、王維群、吳宜庭、陳柏諺 98學年度弘光科技大學管理學院專題論文競賽 第2名
  • 周姿萱、王維群、吳宜庭、陳柏諺 98學年度弘光科技大學管理學院專題海報競賽 第1名




  1. Project Management Professional, PMI, 2013/12/13
  2. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-301) , 102/4
  3. Microsoft Specialist: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (MS), 102/3
  4. MTA-Mobile Development Fundamentals, 102/3
  5. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, 98/6
  6. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist on SQL Server 2005, 98/6/7
  7. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist on Microsoft Windows Vista Configuration, 98/6/7
  8. 經濟部資訊專業人員證照 (ITE) - 嵌入式系統軟體開發專業人員, 98/5/8
  9. Sun Certified Web Component Development (SCWCD), 97年
  10. Sun認可之Java程式設計講師,96年
  11. 經濟部資訊專業人員證照 (ITE) - 資訊管理類, 94年
  12. 經濟部資訊專業人員證照 (ITE) - 網路管理類, 94年
  13. Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP), 93年
  14. NOVELL Netware 3 CNE,85年
  15. NOVELL CNE,84年
  16. NOVELL Netware 3.1x Advanced Administrator,83年
  17. NOVELL Netware 3.1x Administrator,83年


Dissertation and thesis

  • Java執行環境之設計、實現與評估 ,1998,Master thesis
  • New Restructuring and Optimization Techniques for Virtual Machines, 2007, PhD dissertation



  1. Jen-Ya Wang, Fuh-Gwo Chen, Jr Shian Chen, "A Green Pump Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing For Peer Review Power Consumption and Land Depletion", the Journal of Concurrent Engineering: Research and Application (SCI, IF=0.478), Volume 21 No 2, pp. 121-128, June 2013
  2. Kuo-Yi Chen and Fuh-Gwo Chen (corresponding author), “The Smart Energy Management of Multithreaded Java Applications on Multi-Core Processors”, International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing, Vol1. No. 1, pp. 54-61, January, 2013


  1. Kuo-Yi Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen (corresponding author), Ting-Wei Hou, "A low-cost reader for automatically collecting vital signs in hospitals", the Journal of Medical Systems, Aug., 2012, Vol. 36, issue 4, Page 2599-2607 (DOI:10.1007/s10916-011-9732-z.) (SCI, I/F:1.114, rank 17 in MEDICAL INFORMATICS category)
  2. Meng-Horng Tsai, Ling-Hui Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen and Jr-Shian Chen, "The Preventive of Diseases for Elderly People – An Analysis of Health Examination Data of Adults", Advanced Materials Research (EI Journal), Jan., 2012, Vol. 433-440, p 788-792.


  1. Kuo-Yi Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen (corresponding author) and Jr-Shian Chen,, "A Cost-effective Hardware Approach for Measuring Power Consumption of Modern Multi-core Processors", Applied Mechanics and Materials (EI Journal), Oct., 2011, Volumes 110-116, p4569-4573
  2. Kuo-Yi Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen (Corresponding author), Ting-Wei Hou, "Inductive learning of security analysis software by robot assistants", Energy Procedia (EI Journal),  2011, Vol. 13, pp. 3988–3994.
  3. Fuh-Gwo Chen, Ruey-Maw Chen and Jr-Shian Chen, "A Portable Virtual Laboratory for Information Security Courses", Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Volume 218, 245-250. (EI Journal)
  4. Ruey-Maw Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen and Shih-Yen Huang, "Reformed Calculus Curriculum Impact on Learning Performance of Engineering Mathematics", Communications in Computer and Information Science (EI Journal) , 2011, Volume 218, p 356-361.
  5. Chiung-En Huang, Yi-Chun Chen and Fuh-Gwo Chen, "Research on Knowledge Management with Innovation Performance Based on Information Technology–Organizational Culture Perspective", Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Volume 218, p 139-143. (EI Journal)
  6. Hung-Lieh Chou, Ching-Hsue Cheng, Fuh-Gwo Chen, Jr-Shian Chen, "A Study on Patient Safety and Accident Prevention Measures", Communications in Computer and Information Science (EI Journal), 2011, Volume 218, p 190-195.
  7. Fuh-Gwo Chen, Sheng-Chung Tu, David W.S. Tai, Chiung-En Huang,  "Constructing a computer networking ability based on existed curricula in technical colleges", World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 9, No. 1, p 45-48, April 2011. (國科會科教處2.4級優良期刊)

[before 2011]

  1. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen “An Anomaly in an Interpreter Using GCC Source-Code-level Register Allocation” , ACM SIGPLAN Notices (ISSN 0362-1340), ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages: 9 - 13, April 2007 (SCI)
  2. Fuh-Gwo Chen, Ting-Wei Hou “Instruction-coated translation: an approach to restructure directly threaded interpreters with low cohesion”, ACM SIGPLAN Notices (ISSN 0362-1340), Volume 41, Issue 8, Pages: 29 - 33, August 2006 (SCI)



  1. 陳富國等,"監測點滴流速之行動照護系統",第八屆智慧生活科技研討會論文集,台中,台灣, 7 June, 2013
  2. 陳富國等,"視覺障礙者的悅趣式無障礙學習系統",第八屆智慧生活科技研討會論文集,台中,台灣, 7 June, 2013


  1. Fuh-Gwo Chen etc., Smart Energy Management of Multi-threaded Java Applications on Multi-core Processors, 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2012), August 08 - 10, 2012, Kyoto, Japan
  2. 陳富國等,”透通式用藥關懷秘書資訊系統之研發建置”, 第十一屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,,澎湖,台灣,25-26, May, 2012
  3. 陳富國等,"應用Kinect之體感式復健系統",第七屆智慧生活科技研討會論文集,台中,台灣, 1 June, 2012
  4. 陳富國等,"運用RFID技術於用藥管理與提醒",第七屆智慧生活科技研討會論文集,台中,台灣, 1 June, 2012


  1. Fuh-Gwo Chen, Kuo-Yi Chen and Chin-Yang Lin, "A Cooperative Learning of Computer Networking with Portable Laboratories Using Virtual Machine", the 2010 International Conference on Instructional and Computer Technology (ICICT 2010), 9~11/7/2010, Chengdu, China. (EI)
  2. Kuo-yi Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen and Ting-Wei Hou, "The Power-saving Approach by Critical Section Detections of Multi-cores Embedded Systems", the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010), 1~3/8/2010, Kyoto, Japan. (EI)
  3. Kuo-yi Chen, Fuh-Gwo Chen and Ting-Wei Hou, "A Low-Cost Universal Reader for Digital Displays of Medical Monitors", the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010), 1~3/8/2010, Kyoto, Japan. (EI) 
  4. Chin-Yang Lin, Ting-Wei Hou and Fuh-Gwo Chen, “A Snapshot-Based Evaluation Method for Garbage Collection,” The Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2010), 15~17/10/2010,Darmstadt, Germany. (EI)
  5. Fuh-Gwo Chen et al., "Building a Computer Networking Ability Based on Existed Curriculums in Taiwan Colleges,"  The 4th North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, 25~29/10/2010, Taichung, Taiwan (國際會議)
  6. Fuh-Gwo Chen et al., "A Universal XML-Based Electronic Survey System,"  The 4th North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, 25~29/10/2010, Taichung, Taiwan (國際會議)
  7. Fuh-Gwo Chen (3rd author), "E-portfolio with the Effect of Portfolio Assessment- Creativity Perspective,", The 4th North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, 25~29/10/2010, Taichung, Taiwan (國際會議)


  1. Chen Fuh-Gwo, David Wen-Shung Tai, Chiung-En Huang, "DEVELOPING A NEW INSTRUCTION MODEL OF LEARNING COMPUTER NETWORKING WITH VIRTUAL MACHINES AND COOPERATIVE E-LEARNING",  proceedings of 1st International Conference on Educational Research & Practice (ICERP 2009), pages 554-560 ,Putrajava, Malaysia, 10-11, June 2009.
  2. Chiung-En Huang, David Wen-Shung Tai, Fuh-Gwo Chen, "A STUDY OF INDUSTRY DEMAND-ORIENTED CREATIVITY IN COLLEGE STUDENTS",  proceedings of 1st International Conference on Educational Research & Practice (ICERP 2009), pages 546-553 ,Putrajava, Malaysia, 10-11, June 2009.


  1. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen (Corresponding author), and Chin-Yang Lin " Short-code Threading: a Memory-saving and Efficient Approach to Accelerate the Token Threaded Code for embedded Systems", proceedings of The 2008 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA'08, ISBN: 1-60132-065-5), pages 228-232 ,14-17, July 2008 (EI Conference) (accepted rate = 28%).
  1. Fuh-Gwo Chen, Kuan-Hung Sun, and Houng-Kuo Ku "Cooperative Learning of Network Firewalls with Lesser Cognitive Load on a Dedicated Virtual Networking Lab", proceedings of The 3rd North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, pages 79-84, Taichung, Taiwan, 15th March, 2008.


  1. 洪麗珍,陳富國等, ”遠距居家照護雙向系統”,2007國際醫學資訊研討會(International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007, MIST2007),p. 214-218, 花蓮,台灣, 16-17 Nov., 2007'
  2. 王繹傑,陳富國,侯廷偉,“不使用即時編譯器的 Python 直譯器加速方法之研究”,2007數位生活研討會,台南,台灣,June 6-7, 2007.


  1. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen, “Imperative Register-Mapped Program Counter: A Performance Compatible Approach to Direct Threaded Code in (Java) Virtual Machines”, The 12-th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing (CTHPC 2006), Tainan, Taiwan, March 16-17, 2006.


  1. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen, J. L. Lee, Y. L. Chen  “Distributed and Parallel Execution of Java Programs”, First IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001), pp. 554-559, May 15-18, 2001, Brisbane, Australia
  2. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen, Kun-Hung Lin, Fang-Yu “Just Another Java Virtual Machine”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Networking (IEEE ICOIN-14), 2000, pp.5A-2.1~7, 26-28 January, 2000, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  3. Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen, et al, “移植Java Virtual Machine的研究與經驗”, 2000年網際網路與分散式系統研討會(Proceedings of 2000 Workshop on Internet & Distributed Systems, WIND2000), 論文集,第75至82頁, 11~12 May, 2000, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.


  1. 軟體工程-物件導向程式設計與UML系統分析實作,陳湘陽、陳富國等著(侯廷偉審校),2004/9,博碩
  2. 許育銘及陳富國等著,1999,Excel實用範例教學,全華圖書公司
  3. 許育銘及陳富國等著,1999,Word實用範例教學,全華圖書公司


  1. 行動裝置遊戲開發, 2.5小時,102/6/28, 教育部資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫行動終端應用軟體創作跨校資源中心, 證明
  2. Android行動裝置軟體設計, 2.5小時,102/6/28, 教育部資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫行動終端應用軟體創作跨校資源中心, 證明
  3. 資訊安全Security+國際證照教師研習, 3小時,102/4/17, CompTIA, 證明
  4. Mobile HTML5中區教師研習, 16小時, 102/3/9, 國立勤益科技大學, 證明
  5. 國科會科教處應用科學教育學門精進學術研究能力系統工作坊之-理論與方法,101/9/12,國科會科教處應用科學教育學門
  6. 教育方法學,98/10/29~99/5/24,弘光科技大學教學資源中心
  7. RFID產業技術課程研習會,99/3/27,4/17,鼎力通科技有限公司
  8. 中部科學工業園區實務研習,99/1/20~21,台灣科學工業園區科學工業同業工會
  9. 南台科技大學推動教育部九十八年發展學校重點特色計劃-銀髮族居家優質生活環境研討會暨成果展,98/11/27,台南市,南台科技大學
  10. 九十八年度ITE嵌入式系統類教師研習暨認證活動,98/3/13,台中技術學院,中華民國電腦技能基金會
  11. 數位學習實務研習營,98/2/28,台中市,台灣知識庫股份有限公司
  12. 應用科學教育寫作工作坊,98/2/2~4,國立屏東科技大學技術及職業教育研究所
  13. 96年度國科會應用科學學門提升研發能量及成果發表研習會,97/11/23, 彰師大,台灣工程教育與管理學會
  14. 專利智財研習,97/10/16,弘光科技大學
  15. 96年技能競賽裁判人才庫講習會,96/3/13,台中市,國際技能競賽中華民國技能競賽委員會



  • 92學年,30位
  • 93學年,55位
  • 94學年,61位
  • 95學年,88位
  • 96學年,75位
  • 96學年,12位


  • 98學年,58位
  • 99學年,43位


  • 95年,47位
  • 96年,58位


  • 95年,38位