
如何使用軟體工具測試網站問題 – Astral web 歐斯瑞公司

如何使用軟體工具測試網站問題 – Astral web 歐斯瑞公司

相信現在有很多人都有架設網站的經驗吧?不論是部落客,自己架設網站伺服器,使用網路服務開站,不過問題來了,很多時候網站出問題時,不是技術人員的你,是否有辦法透過一些工具協助做初期問題判斷呢?今天就3個方向的問題介紹3個免費的工具軟體給各位。   網站壞了,打開瀏覽器說找不到網頁。 &nbsp

來源: 如何使用軟體工具測試網站問題 – Astral web 歐斯瑞公司

Using C# on Mac To Build iOS and Android Apps | Toptal

In the past few years, Microsoft has pulled a few aces from up its sleeve. Yes, they messed up Skype, failed with smartphones, and almost succeeded with tablets. But, they did some really amazing things as well. Relinquishing their closed empire approach, they open-sourced .NET, joined the Linux Foundation, released SQL Server for Linux, and created this great new tool called Visual Studio for Mac. In this post, Head of Open Source Demir Selmanovic details how to make an Android and iOS app in C# on your Mac.

來源: Using C# on Mac To Build iOS and Android Apps | Toptal

Affinity Photo 髮絲去背(Selection+Refine)


官方教學名稱是Selection Refinement,下面的步驟跟影片相同。首先用智慧選取工具大致選取模特兒,記得善用「[」、「]」調整筆刷大小,拖曳後放開,旁邊會出現動態的虛線,如圖的步驟1跟2:



接著為了檢視方便,把Refine視窗右上角的preview模式改成黑白, 調整Ramp觀察變化,官方是調15%,我這邊相同。再選擇左下角Output,New Layer:





Affinity Photo新手教學官方網站:http://pala.tw/begin-to-learn-affinity-photo/#Selection