

Laravel 8


  1. Laravel vs Symfony in 2020 – which framework choose for your project?

List of Demos


  1. Laravel 7 Official Document
  2. Laravel 5中文文件
  3. Laravel 7 中文文档(簡體)
  4. Laracasts
  5. Laravel modules
  6. Laravel 4 入門書

General tutorials:

  1. Laravel Tutorial
  2. Laravel Tutorial
  3. ItSolutionStuff.com
  4. Larvel 7 Basic to Advanced
  5. Learn Laravel (Best Laravel Tutorials for Beginners)
  6. Building Web Applications From Scratch With Laravel
  7. Laravel Tutorial: Step by Step Guide to Building Your First Laravel Application
  8. Create your First Application with Laravel
  9. How to Create Multi Level Dynamic Menu In Laravel Treeview
  10. Laravel 5.5 Socialite : Login with Twitter, Facebook, Google, Github, Linkedin etc #Part1

View, Routing, and Blade template (刀鋒樣板)

  1. Laravel Menus
  2. Laravel Routing Made Easy
  3. Different ways for passing data to view in Laravel (四個把資料送到View的方式)
  4. 路由 in Laravel 7 中文文檔(簡體)
  5. reate Layout Using Laravel Blade Templating Engine
  6. Integrate Bootstrap Template with Laravel
  7. Laravel 學習筆記(11) – Route 進階
  8. aravel – 設計一個好的 Blade Template, 使用 @parent
  9. Laravel Routing – 8 Advanced Tips: Languages, APIs, Groups, Validation
  10. [ LARAVEL ] 初心者之路#05 – LARAVEL ROUTING 路由控制

Authentication & Authorization (密碼驗證與授權)

  1. Laravel 5.5 Middleware Tutorial : How to Create Login with Multiple Level Access in laravel 5.5
  2. Laravel Multiple Guards Authentication: Setup and Login
  3. Laravel 7/6 Multi Auth (Authentication) Tutorial

Roles and Permissions

    1. Laravel-permission(Spatie)
    2. Laravel 5.6 – User Roles and Permissions (ACL) using Spatie Tutorial


  1. How to use Repository Pattern in Laravel

Service provider

  1. Service Providers
  2. How to Register & Use Laravel Service Providers

Flash message (我翻譯成轉場訊息,其他可能的翻譯:快閃訊息、提醒訊息…)

  1. Laravel 7 Tutorial for Beginners – Laravel 7 Flash Message Example


  1. Create PHP Laravel 7/6 CRUD Web App with MySQL Database
  2. Laravel 7 CRUD Tutorial: Build a CRUD App with MySQL and Bootstrap 4
  3. Laravel 5.8 REST CRUD API Tutorial – Build a CRM [PART 1]: Eloquent Models and Relationships
  4. Laravel 7/6 REST API CRUD Tutorial – Build a CRM [PART 2]: Eloquent Models and Relationships
  5. Laravel 5.8 Ajax Crud Tutorial using DataTables

Admin (後台管理)

    2. laravel-sb-admin-2
    3. A Laravel Admin Panel (Laravel Version : 6.0)
    4. Laravel 6 Admin Panel Tutorial
  1. AdminLTE Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
  2. Vali Admin
  3. Backpack (商用版要錢)

Database Model & E-R relationships

  1. Eloquent by Example
  2. Laravel Eloquent Tutorial With Examples
  3. Pivot tables and many-to-many relationships
  4. Using Laravel Eloquent’s Many to Many Relationship
  5. Polymorphic relationships in Laravel and their use cases
  6. 介绍 Eloquent 关联中的多态关联(Polymorphic Relations)

Real system examples: order system,inventory management system, etc.

  1. Laravel E-Commerce Application Development – Order Management
  2. Building an Order Tracking System in Laravel Powered by Twilio SMS
  3. estarter-ecommerce-for-laravel  (my build)
  4. E-commerce-Food-Order-System-Laravel-Project

Laravel Application Market

  1. Envato Market – Laravel category


  1. Lumen









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