一個大家都不願意follow的回覆審稿者指南 – Errant Science

Despite my prolific blog output, I managed to find time earlier this year to write a paper. It was a labour of love, passion and frustration at Word’s image handling system. As a new […]

來源: How to reply to reviewers: a terrible guide that no one should follow… – Errant Science

【(灬ºωº灬)  小米手環拿來當跳蛋】


來源: 藍牙安全風險分析:以燈泡、跳蛋、小米手環為例 – 壹讀

【物聯網 IoT】Node-RED 三輪車, 藉由 IBM Watson IOT Platform 來做物聯網應用 (Node-RED, Bluemix, Watson, Raspberry Pi) – 大兵萊恩 一路直前

【物聯網 IoT】Node-RED 三輪車, 藉由 IBM Watson IOT Platform 來做物聯網應用 (Node-RED, Bluemix, Watson, Raspberry Pi) – 大兵萊恩 一路直前

【物聯網 IoT】Node-RED 三輪車, 藉由 IBM Watson IOT Platform 來做物聯網應用 (Node-RED, Bluemix, Watson, Raspberry Pi) – 大兵萊恩 一路直前



來源: Node-RED 三輪車, 藉由 IBM Watson IOT Platform 來做物聯網應用 (Node-RED, Bluemix, Watson, Raspberry Pi) – 大兵萊恩 一路直前