【3D列印Cosplay】一個女孩花了超過500個小時以3D列印來製作星際爭霸2諾娃戰鬥裝 | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News

【3D列印Cosplay】一個女孩花了超過500個小時以3D列印來製作星際爭霸2諾娃戰鬥裝 | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News


Cosplayer Natasha Spokish spent over 500 hours modelling, 3D printing, and finishing the pieces for this incredible Nova Terra suit of armour. The results are incredible, and Spokish uploaded a full series of progress photos with descriptions for fellow fans to admire.

來源: 3ders.org – Ultra-authentic 3D printed StarCraft Nova cosplay armour took over 500 hours to make | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News



Many people overlook lampshades everyday, but here is an indestructible to show you how to make one for a 3D print that will give your guests a double take and sure to be a conversation starter at your next dinner party. I will be going through the steps in creating a cylindrical surface for which to use the paneling tools plug in with Rhino -Grasshopper to create a unique looking punctured lamp shade.

來源: 3D Printed Lamp Shade – All




「我們偵測到之前賣給貴公司的設備已經需要更換零件了,為了避免影響生產線運作,我們可否派人在某天之前去現場維修檢測?」 這不是供應商擁有預知的「超能力」,而是工業4.0已經能在生產現場發揮的力量之一。供應商透過感測器回傳的數據,得知設備的特定部位即將毀損,立即派人處理,比過去生產線出事了才去現場檢測,更有效率。 近年來,產業新聞時不時提到「工業4.0」,企業高階主管也經常談論這個詞,但是工業4.

來源: 不是只有機器人!想掌握工業4.0,請搞懂這9個科技領域|經理人