3D繪圖軟體簡介 @ 3D夢想自造學院 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
3D列印的好處? 3D列印近年來已成為蓬勃發展的科技趨勢以及熱門話題,在我們的生活中,食衣住行育樂等各方面領域都有其應用。 以需要開發產品的中小企業來說,「3D列印」的確可以省下由設計圖到正式開模之
Education and research resources
3D列印的好處? 3D列印近年來已成為蓬勃發展的科技趨勢以及熱門話題,在我們的生活中,食衣住行育樂等各方面領域都有其應用。 以需要開發產品的中小企業來說,「3D列印」的確可以省下由設計圖到正式開模之
Learn how to build notifications, send and sync data, and use voice actions.
. Mentor: Prof. Jörg Beck Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker Bachelor Thesis: Tracking Tracing Training Student: Thomas Mayer featured on The basic …
大師球 http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:462723
Cosplayer Natasha Spokish spent over 500 hours modelling, 3D printing, and finishing the pieces for this incredible Nova Terra suit of armour. The results are incredible, and Spokish uploaded a full series of progress photos with descriptions for fellow fans to admire.
The first step is to determine the root cause. Cache and CDN Using a caching plugin is one way to optimize site performance: W3 Total Cache WP Super Cache With these caching plugins, you can also use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and/or Cloudflare to further speed up your site. Be careful though. Caching plugins also …
「前後補光燈、金屬機身、雙卡雙待、台灣4G全頻段、指紋辨識、續航力不錯…等多項優點,價格更是破天荒的只要 3990 元」
前後補光燈、金屬機身、雙卡雙待、台灣4G全頻段、指紋辨識、續航力不錯…等多項優點,價格更是破天荒的只要 3990 元
We have our rectangular flat lithophanes for putting in the window. Now we’re going to bend the lithophane surface so that we can produce curved ones including bending it 360 degrees into a c…
來源: Cylindrical Lithophanes for 360⁰ Panorama Images – 3D Printing – Rocks!