SCJP 1.6版考題 036
出自 陳富國維基館
public class Doubler{ public static int doubleMe(Holder h){ return h.getAmount() * 2; } } and: public class Holder { int amount = 10; public void doubleAmount(){amount = Doubler.doubleMe(this);} public in getAmount(){return amount;} //more code here } Place the code framgmets in position to reduce the coupling between Doubler and Holder. public class Doubler{ public static int doubleMe( Place here h){ return Place here * 2; } } public class Holder { int amount = 10; public void doubleAmount(){ amount = Doubler.doubleMe( Place here ); } public in getAmount(){return amount;} //more code here } void Holder int Doubler h.getAmount() h this amount
Ans: int , h , amount
修改程式使得Doubler與Holder二個類別的耦合性降低 Dobuler被改成不使用到Holder類別,導致Holder的變更將不影響到Doubler類別。