SCJP 1.6版考題 081
出自 陳富國維基館
1. interface DoStuff2{ 2. float getRange(int low, int high);} 3. 4. interface DoMore { 5. float getAvg(int a, int b, int c);} 6. 7. abstract class DoAbstract implements DoStuff2, DoMore{} 8. 9. class DoStuff implements DoStuff2{ 10. public float getRange(int x, int y){return 3.14f;}} 11. 12. interface DoAll extends DoMore{ 13. float getAvg(int a, int b, int c, int d);} What is the result? A. The file will compile without error. B. Compilation fails. Only line 7 contains an error. C. Compilation fails. Only line 12 contains an error. D. Compilation fails. Only line 13 contains an error. E. Compilation fails. Only lines 7 and 12 contain errors. F. Compilation fails. Only lines 7 and 13 contain errors. G. Compilation fails. Lines 7, 12, and 13 contain errors.
Ans: A
此題可正確地編譯 說明:類別實作介面會繼承介面的抽象方法1.類別中有抽象的方法,該類別必須為抽象 2.類別若不為抽象,則必須對繼承的抽象方法提供實作