出自 陳富國維基館
Tviewer 2 traffic bot
Hello,welcome this is our first introduction, so we have some amzaing contents, please stay tune. beside this amazing traffic bot able make thousands of visits per day. isn’t that amazing?
Here you go for everyone that’s interested in boosting their rankings!
tViewer 2 supports:
Automatic page views Inner-page views Multi-threaded operations Supports all proxy types Random User Agent Random Referrer HTTP bypass Google Analytics
- TimeOut: How long do you want to wait for your proxy to connect until it moves to the next one.
- Delay: How long you want the duration of the visit to last.
- Show Browser: Display browsers windows for each connection.
- User Agent: List user agent use for each connection. User Agent is random for each connection.
Note: HTTP proxy format: [host]:[port] SOCK proxy format: [host]:[port]:[version] Ex: HTTP proxy: and SOCK proxy 111.222.333.4:80:5
you must have .Network 4.0 or more